A Southern belle (Sherilyn Fenn) is getting married to a dull businessman when she falls hard for a drifter (Richard Tyson) who’s working for a carnival.
After co-writing the successful 9½ Weeks (1986), Zalman King made his feature directing debut with another erotic drama. This one relies on overcooked Southern clichés and stereotypes and doesn’t have much to offer besides beautiful bodies and a few steamy scenes.
The only interesting character, a lesbian cowgirl, quickly disappears from the story.
1988-U.S. 104 min. Color. Written and directed by Zalman King. Cast: Sherilyn Fenn (April DeLongpre), Richard Tyson (Perry Tyson), Louise Fletcher (Belle Delongpre), Burl Ives, Kristy McNichol, Martin Hewitt, Milla Jovovich, Hervé Villechaize.
Trivia: Last film of Ives and Villechaize; Jovovich’s film debut. Followed by a direct-to-video sequel, Return to Two Moon Junction (1994).