Kassie Larson (Jennifer Aniston) decides to have a baby on her own, but one drunken evening the donor’s sperm is accidentally ruined and Kassie’s best friend (Jason Bateman) replaces it with his own… unbeknownst to her.
That has to be one of the most contrived plots I’ve attempted to put down in words. Combined with the fact that Bateman always finds a reason not to tell Aniston about his weird move until a final climactic moment near the end, it makes for a pretty dumb movie.
Romcom fans will however appreciate some amusing dialogue and a very pleasant cast.
2010-U.S. 101 min. Color. Directed by Josh Gordon, Will Speck. Short Story: Jeffrey Eugenides (”Baster”). Cast: Jennifer Aniston (Kassie Larson), Jason Bateman (Wally Mars), Patrick Wilson (Roland), Jeff Goldblum, Juliette Lewis, Jason Jones.