After crash landing on a planet, astronaut Leo Davidson (Mark Wahlberg) encounters a militant community of talking apes and is forced to fight it.
Nothing has been spared regarding visual effects in this remake of the classic 1968 movie. Brilliant work with the makeup; the simian masks look completely natural. Tim Roth is convincing as the grunting, cruel ape general Thade and there are amusing references to the original.
As a whole, however, the project is not interesting enough and the convoluted ending is worth merely a shrug.
2001-U.S. 120 min. Color. Widescreen. Directed by Tim Burton. Screenplay: William Broyles, Jr., Lawrence Konner, Mark Rosenthal. Music: Danny Elfman. Makeup: Rick Baker. Cast: Mark Wahlberg (Leo Davidson), Tim Roth (General Thade), Helena Bonham Carter (Ari), Michael Clarke Duncan, Paul Giamatti, Estella Warren, David Warner, Kris Kristofferson, Lisa Marie. Cameo: Charlton Heston.
Trivia: At different points during the 1990s, Peter Jackson, James Cameron, Oliver Stone and Chris Columbus were considered for directing duties.