In 1934, famous detective Hercule Poirot (Kenneth Branagh) finds himself on the Orient Express where a notorious businessman (Johnny Depp) is murdered.
Another star-studded version of Agatha Christie’s most famous mystery is similar to the slightly superior 1974 movie and has no new twists to offer. Which is probably a good thing; what we get is old-fashioned, well directed entertainment with eye-popping 65 mm cinematography. Branagh may not be your favorite Poirot, but he’s good, and the film finds little ways to increase tension and make the mystery look fresh.
Appealing music score, and Michelle Pfeiffer delivers the best performance among the suspects.
2017-U.S. 114 min. Color. Widescreen. Directed by Kenneth Branagh. Novel: Agatha Christie. Cinematography: Haris Zambarloukos. Music: Patrick Doyle. Cast: Kenneth Branagh (Hercule Poirot), Michelle Pfeiffer (Caroline Hubbard), Johnny Depp (Samuel Ratchett), Penélope Cruz, Willem Dafoe, Judi Dench, Josh Gad, Derek Jacobi, Leslie Odom Jr., Daisy Ridley, Olivia Colman.
Trivia: Co-produced by Branagh and Ridley Scott. Angelina Jolie and Charlize Theron were considered for roles. Followed by two sequels, starting with Death on the Nile (2022).