In 1933, after landing an interview with Hitler, British reporter Gareth Jones (James Norton) goes to the Soviet Union to examine Stalin’s ”economic miracle”, finding a hidden famine.
Agnieszka Holland is the right person to remind the world, not least Russia, of Stalin’s crimes against humanity. Historical facts and interpretations are presented in fairly engaging ways, as we follow Mr. Jones’s quest to uncover starvation in Ukraine, ”Europe’s bread basket”.
Peter Sarsgaard is amusing as the hedonistic New York Times correspondent Walter Duranty who gave the world a dishonest idea of Stalin.
2019-Poland-Ukraine-U.K. 119 min. Color. Widescreen. Directed by Agnieszka Holland. Cast: James Norton (Gareth Jones), Vanessa Kirby (Ada Brooks), Peter Sarsgaard (Walter Duranty), Kenneth Cranham, Joseph Mawle, Celyn Jones.
Trivia: Polish title: Obywatel Jones.