The successful Swedish horror novel was filmed in Norway, but the story remains largely the same; a number of people are grieving loved ones, including a grandchild, a partner and a wife and mother, but there are strange disturbances and soon the undead are coming back.
A zombie movie that focuses grimly and realistically on the painful nature of grief. Perhaps we didn’t need another Pet Sematary exactly, but the lethargic pace and lack of fresh ideas are clear obstacles. Good cast, though.
2024-Norway-Sweden-Greece. 99 min. Color. Widescreen. Directed by Thea Hvistendahl. Screenplay: Thea Hvistendahl, John Ajvide Lindqvist. Novel: John Ajvide Lindqvist. Cast: Renate Reinsve (Anna), Bjørn Sundquist (Mahler), Bente Børsum (Tora), Anders Danielsen Lie, Bahar Pars, Inesa Dauksta.
Trivia: Original title: Håndtering av udøde.