The world’s best secret agent (Baltazar Ploteau) is busy drinking himself to death when his former boss recruits him for another mission: he needs his brother killed.
A wild, CGI-heavy action-movie spoof that wishes it were The Naked Gun, but has no idea how to achieve that. Made by Nattkomik, a Swedish comedy group that started out in high school, the film is stuck in the mindset of a 13-year-old boy.
Childishly over-the-top, never funny, but there are signs of technical skill.
2024-Sweden. 92 min. Color. Widescreen. Directed and edited by David Andersson. Screenplay: David Andersson, Baltazar Ploteau. Cast: Baltazar Ploteau (Guy Manley), Anton Sjölund (Rich Cash), Milton Björnegren (Lewis Milton), Omar Myrza, Knut Wistbacka, Adam Söderström… Peter Stormare, Kodjo Akolor.