In this third part in the Planet of the Apes series, Zira (Kim Hunter), Cornelius (Roddy McDowell) and a colleague of theirs (Sal Mineo) journey to present-day Earth; as one might expect, they become a novelty to bored Beverly Hills residents and a threat to paranoid politicians.
Needless to say, it’s a reversed situation compared to the first movie. Roddy McDowall returns to the part he helped create there; along with Kim Hunter, he makes the apes sympathetic prisoners in a primitive human world.
Fairly predictable, but its way of building affection for story and characters makes this the best of the sequels.
1971-U.S. 98 min. Color. Widescreen. Directed by Don Taylor. Cast: Roddy McDowall (Cornelius), Kim Hunter (Zira), Bradford Dillman (Lewis Dixon), Natalie Trundy, Eric Braeden, William Windom, Sal Mineo, Ricardo Montalban.
Trivia: Followed by Conquest of the Planet of the Apes (1972).