Another remake of the 1974 Canadian cult slasher, this one dominated by a feminist agenda, as the original, 200-year-old sins of a university founder are still influencing the school’s fraternity.
We follow the members of a sorority as they first fall victim to a masked, Scream-type killer, then eventually fight back.
Starts out with an OK first murder scene; the cast is agreeable, but it quickly gets worse. Ineffective as a horror movie, cheesy and incredibly obvious.
2019-U.S. 92 min. Color. Widescreen. Directed by Sophia Takal. Screenplay: Sophia Takal, April Wolfe. Cast: Imogen Poots (Riley Stone), Aleyse Shannon (Kris Waterson), Lily Donoghue (Marty Coolidge), Brittany O’Grady, Caleb Eberhardt, Cary Elwes.