In 1928, Violet (Maggie Smith) surprises everyone by revealing that she has a villa in the south of France; at the same time, a film production company asks the family to use Downton Abbey for their next shoot.
The Crawleys are moving ever so slowly into the future, in this case predicting the birth of Mediterranean mass tourism and helping a group of filmmakers turn their silent into a talkie, but the Downton Abbey movies remain steadfastly conservative.
Delivers the exact same pros and cons as the TV series and the first film, building up to an emotional climax near the end.
2022-U.K.-U.S. 125 min. Color. Widescreen. Directed by Simon Curtis. Screenplay: Julian Fellowes. Cast: Michelle Dockery (Mary Crawley), Hugh Bonneville (Robert Crawley), Maggie Smith (Violet Crawley), Elizabeth McGovern, Jim Carter, Allen Leech, Imelda Staunton, Hugh Dancy, Dominic West.